Welcome to the Web site of Dr. Molly Hinchman
Dr. Hinchman is a clinical psychologist practicing in West Cornwall, Connecticut USA
We all long for caring relationships, good feelings about ourselves, and satisfying work. At times we may feel that what we long for is beyond our reach. We become stuck in patterns that lead to self-defeat, frustration, despair and hopelessness. Psychotherapy is a process that can help individuals and couples move in new directions, fostering psychological growth and a sense of well being. As a licensed psychologist, Dr. Molly Hinchman works with individuals and couples in a process that can help transform... |
- Depression and hopelessness into energy and passion about life;
- Fear and anxiety into creative, thoughtful action;
- Emptiness and aimlessness into clarity and a meaningful sense of purpose and direction;
- Isolation and loneliness into confidence, competence and connection.
Dr. Hinchman works with people from all walks of life to achieve their goals through the healing power of a therapeutic relationship. Her mission is to encourage psychological resilience and to share in a process that leads clients towards joyful living, meaningful relationships and professional success. |
Upcoming Events
Watch for announcements of events and activities in the coming weeks. Meanwhile we invite you to explore the site and let Dr. Hinchman know what you think!